Saturday, July 4, 2015

Life: What's Going On

First and foremost, Happy Fourth of July! Stay safe out there. Thought I would babble a bit about what's what in the weird World of Sour.

Been getting to see some friends and family more and more which I love. Had some company down from Phoenix and a good time was had by all. We've also had a chance to see family not once but twice in the last three weeks!

Switching gears here for a second, the right eye is doing really well and it's nice to be a bit more independent, simple things like crossing a major road and taking a walk by myself really make you appreciate just the simple act of seeing in general. I understand that a ton of people will never have to go through the experience of losing their vision (at least not until you get older!), but some of you out there know exactly what I'm talking about. It is a hell of a journey though life when you're eyesight gives up the ghost so to speak and your left there tripping over things, bumping off surfaces, breaking dishes and glassware, and cleaning kind of goes out the window, because frankly you can't see it, so to those that are affected with these daily problems, I salute you, that you keep on keepin' on. Bravo.

Switching again, the Library has been a good use of my time, as well as the Historical Society. I like keeping busy, though I think the house (and yard) need a little TLC too. Stretching thin, nah, never heard of it.

Until I type again, Stay Tuned and I Have the Power!

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