Friday, May 1, 2015

Life: It's What's for Dinner!

So a bit about what has been going on. There's been some family shenanigans going on as of late (that I won't talk about here) and in the last two months my eyesight has gotten so bad that I can't actually read the words I am typing on the screen (I am sure that I well give this post a second look before it goes live), I have an appointment in a few weeks and we'll see what we see (HA! Pun totally not intended,) Until then folks keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep ya in the loop.

With my other eye I can see things up close, so I've been reading a lot more and playing less video games. A current goal is to read all of Discworld series this year. It's something like forty books. I think I'm on book five. But they are funny as hell so that helps. Anyone else out there read em'? Did you like em'? Let me know.

Okay, I'm off to be adult. See you all back here in a few with more tidbits. Stay tuned.

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