Friday, August 17, 2012

This Week in Rock Band

So without further ado:


The Black Keys Pack 02

"Lonely Boy" (O, X)
"Tighten Up" (O)
"Howlin' For You" (O)

(O denotes Keyboard, X denotes PRO Guitar/Bass Upgrade)

Here's the only two tracks released for RBN this Thursday on the Xbox 360


Vargas - "Hoy"


Yogurt With Sprinkles - "Version 2" 

I'll have to check out the Vargas track just because we don't see a lot of jazz coming to RB through either the Music Store or the RBN.  I'll give the Yogurt With Sprinkles a listen just because the name is hilarious. 

So there you have it.  The Black Keys tickle the ivories again on RB after a two year hiatus.  Are you excited?  Depressed? Meh.  Let me hear what you have to say, Dear Readers.  Rock On!

Be back in a bit with another post, Shameless (Other) Promotions and quite possibly the second entry of For Justice and Vinyl for All.  Stay tuned!

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