Friday, June 19, 2015

Life: Half-Blind and Lovin' It!

Well the YAG surgery went well. My eyesight was restored though I'm having floaters since the surgery which is a common thing. The procedure was painless and lasted only thirty seconds. The only slight strangeness is when you hear the "pop" inside your head.

Only one more surgery to go to and get the cataract out of the left eye and it'll be a happy day. Some of the phrases I've been uttering the last three days; "It's nice to see you.", "I can see that!", and "That needs to be cleaned."

It's nice to be able to walk by myself to the store, do yard work, and generally not bumping into things!

It's also nice to write on this blog again! I think I will try and get more posts put up in the future. It's been kinda "dullsville" here.

Stay Tuned and Plugged In

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