Saturday, July 28, 2012

In Response to Harmonix Podcast Episode 74

So they ask the question what is your first gaming memory and or favorite game?  Here we go! 

My first gaming memory was of my brother playing games on his computer, either the Apple 2 or the C64 (if that is right, I don't remember), and I remember only really one game, Barnstorming.

I remember the first game I fell in love with.  I've talked about it only my blog fairly recently though not in such a revered light.  Dragon's Lair was the game and spending quarters was my game, I wanna say it was '83.

I been lucky enough to have grown up at the start of the video game consoles, now seven generations later, I am still playing them.  We've come a long way from the Atari 2600's Combat and Maze Craze to the 360's Mirror's Edge and Modern Warfare 3. 

My favorite games for this console's (Xbox 360) generation are:

Rock Band 3, yes, Harmonix, you're welcome.  I've given you a ton of money over the past five years.  Enough to at least cover two months rent in a shitty downtown studio.  Or eat Ramen for three years.  Please knock my socks off with RB DLC this year.  Thank you.

Minecraft, sweet Jesus.  It's a highly addictive game if you've never played it, and from what I understand there is more and more that will be added.  I explained to my Mom, who never really plays video games mind you, it's if the Oblivion were an 8-bit game with mining and building.

There's a ton of other games but I'll keep this post short and sweet.

What were some of your fond gaming memories?  What game did you love the most?  Let me know!

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