Saturday, November 30, 2013

Screenplay Update: Jubilation and Exhaustion

Three short scripts. Sixty-one page total. Total word count is fourteen thousand three eighty three. Not to bad, though I must admit it was brutal. I decided to write three short scripts in the vein of extreme cinema. I took on taboo subjects unflinchingly. These stories are dark, unsettling, and frankly nauseating. Other films that broach this kind of madness would be: Anti-Christ, The Burning Moon, and the shockumentry Traces of Death, violent brutality for brutality sake, no redeeming characters. On two of the short scripts I didn't bother to give the characters names so I could keep some sort of detachment as I wrote.

The strange thing is that these scripts happened organically. I normally write the ending and work my way to it, this time though I just started writing and these stories just kept flowing, that is not to say I still had to think of ways to get to the end and what I was going to tell in the middle but luckily I've been blessed with just chugging along and keep on keeping on with these little gems of insanity.

I am glad that the first drafts are done. I need to take a few days break and look again at em' with fresh eyes. Also getting some sounding board feedback with be helpful.

My next screenplay I am thinking about is a drama piece, full length script, about parents and children going through divorce. No horror elements to it, just a "normal" script, as normal as I can be that is!

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