Thursday, August 23, 2012

Life: Writing

I have always loved to write.  I remember back in high school helping my friend write up little two page stories for his English class.  We thought it would be cool for Heavy Metal mascots to fight each other.  It was fun and it was writing.  I also have written a gob of song lyric which are still sitting around here in the Man Cave.

Fast forward a good number of years and I'm living in Modesto (California) and taking film classes at the Junior College and I started writing scripts which is pretty fun and insanely infuriating at the same time.   I've penned an eighty page, a number of sixty pages, a short thirty minute one, and a few ten and under.  All in all I loved them and my film teacher said I could write pretty well, which was very flattering of course (it does get you everywhere!) and I still have a ton of script ideas running around in my head all the time, but I think I'm going to try my hand (and brain) at writing a novel, in long hand mind you, you know because I'm sadistic. 

That is right!  My weird brain is going to take a good ole' stab at it.  Novel writers out there, any tips?  I'm thinking of naming the chapters (because I'm weird) and like I do with scripts I'll probably write the end first, followed by the beginning, and lumping the middle at the end, which is the first, ah wait, what?  Yeah I don't know either! 

All I want to know is who is coming with me?  Should be fun!

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