Saturday, October 11, 2014

Life: The Big To-Do with You Know Who

So my life lately has been interspersed with bouts of quiet and then frantic business and family shenanigans. Ah, the rollercoaster of life. Yard work can really commence now that there is a actually place to put stuff sitting in the driveway. I still have some back yard work to do and with the new neighbors dog's constant barking I might invest in charging up my ancient iPod and listening to some tunes while I work. Let's see if I can work out there for a few before I have to come in and call it a day. Working in the hot sun down here seems more intense than working outside up in the PNW. Guess I'll just have to acculmate my ass to my surroundings! Quick, to the sun block!

I'll try and remember to post some pics...

Alright forgot to take before pics so no pics this time, but when I start on the front yard I will show before and after pics for the folks who are interested in that sort of thing. I did pretty good, I was out there about three to four hours, not too shabby if I say so myself.

This evening will be some relaxing and playing a little Fallout: New Vegas to treat myself for working outside so long today. Man, that shower is going to feel like the bee's knees I believe. Okay, I am bushed and it is time for a shower, because I am all "rabbit trooping" it up here. Yum.

Alright kids, catch ya next time.

Stay Calm and Yard Work

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