Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Video Game/DVD Tuesdays

Alright so I was going to start this normally and slap some images with a brief thought of mine about what's what with things, which I'll still do.  But reading a headline titled "Troma blows up YouTube"... and this is the result: Troma movies on YouTube (NSFW, not for faint of heart, or laughter.) Anyone who knows me from my "Livin' in Cali" days I would torture you (or a close personal friend that you brought over without properly telling them I'm a "little weird") with such classics as Sergio Lapel's Drawing Blood, Toxic Avenger or Toxic Avenger 4, Cannibal: A Musical, or the one (for me) that started it all, Tromeo and Juliet (ah geez, I almost forgot Terror Firmer, Sargent Kabukiman NYPD, or even The Stendhal Syndrome).  My point being, if you've never seen a Troma film, well, you are in for an experience to say the least, if you're squemish or easily offended, DON"T WATCH THESE FILMS, they are gross, have toilet humor, and are meant to be "less than Hollywood".  Troma's been at it for over 35 years I believe, so Lloyd Kaufman is doing something right.  Okay, Troma love/memory lane traveled, now BACK ON THE BUS!

Rocko's Modern Life, Season Three

Love me some Rocko.  Great show, now a classic.  Glad to see that Season 3 is coming out.  I really need to get the other two first.  I remember when this first aired on TV and I loved it then as much as I love it now.  Awesome main character and Heefer is pretty sweet too.  "Turn a page, wash your hands."  Classic.  High Five of Doom.  Double Breakfast Classic.  Stop what you 're reading and go watch this show.  I think it's even on Netflix.  You're welcome.

Well you're back just in time for the Video Game section of this here blog posting. 

Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends

Alright, I admit it.  I haven't played a Test Drive game since Test Drive Unlimited (six years) and I did buy the first Test Drive game for Xbox (the Original), so there's that.  But honestly I want to play this game so I can drive the Enzo.  Yeah.  So now you know.  I am pretty sure that the Enzo is in it.  But Test Drive has always been fun no matter what game I was playing.  I also liked (at least in TD:U) that you could just drive around and not have to race if you didn't want to.  I love racing games don't get me wrong (I have Burnout Paradise and Forza Motorsport 2), but the other to just slowly and lazily drive around while looking around in the interior of the car is just the bee's knees. 

Well not to much coming out on the horizon (except for the next Forza game, ba-dump-bump.  I'm here all week, try the meatloaf.  Don't applaude, just throw money!  Ha! 

Sour out!

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