Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Top 5 Places I would go and visit/live if I had the means.

These are in no particular order.

#1.  Boston - always wanted to go.  Never have.  Some day I'd like to change that.  I don't know what I expect to find there.  Magic, I suppose.  I've always been enchanted when I hear the word Boston.  Makes me think of  110 years hence.

#2.  Rhode Island - Lovecraft.  Nuff' said.

#3.  Amsterdam, Netherlands - Everyone speaks English unless you hit outside the city.  Coffee everywhere.  No to many cars if I'm correct.  The flight would be brutal but I'm sure the city is worth it.  All those museums.  Awesome.

#4. Toyko, Japan - I know it would be culture shock, but I might be able to catch an Ayumi Hamasaki concert if I'm lucky.  I also love sushi very much and the landscape is breathtaking.

#5.  San Francisco - It's like Seattle in ways but it's on the coast of California.  I'd fit right in there.

Well that is all that.  Where would you live if you could?  Love to hear some feedback from you, Dear Readers!

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