Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"It's All About the Tracks, Man!" or Wild Rock Band Speculation #99295327752

Yep, another Rock Band post.  I'm full of em' (much to my wife's chagrin, Love you, honey.)  Well it will get to Rock Band eventually.  I think we can all agree that there won't be a resurgence in rythem gaming... (besides another "teaches you how to play guitar game, like , Band Fuse, which is set to hit later this year, and Slash is in it, and... well, just see for yourself):

Bandfuse E3 2012 announcement

My question is will we see a upswing with Rock Band DLC anytime soon?

Actually a ton of those tracks mentioned in BandFuse are already in Rock Band (all but 4 actually so far), nice.  Rocksmith has been out for a bit now and coming in October (I think) they (Ubisoft) are repacking the game to include bass guitar as well.  Nice.  Does Bandfuse do this, I'm not sure and I'm not going to look it up, do some legwork, E-Yow!

But as these "teaching yourself guitar games" are coming out will RB brings a whole ton of new tracks with Pro upgrades?  Will they release a ton of Legacy tracks with PRO upgrades?  Or will we see a trend of 3 packs and/or 3 to 4 singles (with larger packs coming less and less) every week other than what we currently have on tap since the beginning of the year.  Maiden has been the only 6 pack released since the Fueled by Ramen Pack 01 last year.  If Maiden was the last big of larger pack until Christmas this year, please do the community a solid and put a band that they've (the DLC purchasing public) been clamoring for for a long time.  I don't even care which pack, just make it epic, well, super epic!  You know you got the grapes! 

I've speculated on what may or may not be coming out to Rock Band in other posts so I'm not going to do that here, yeah right, who am I kidding, of course I got to post some DLC that I would love to see come down the pipe later this year (and since it's my blog I don't feel like some creeper forum poster on the RB webpage, I'm always posting in the wrong section anyways, it'll just be easier to post here.  So without further ado, three bands I would love to see represented this year.

Twisted Sister

Really?  TS hasn't been represented?  I can't believe it.  I Wanna Rock was released for Guitar Hero Encore: Rock's the 80's.  The last of the GH games Harmonix developed.  That was in 2007.  This is the latter half of 2012.  I mean, come on.  If Twisted Sister doesn't get a three pack of their classic hits (you know which ones I'm talking about) then I will definitely be one S.M.F. 

GG Allin

I know it's a long shot.  I understand that the music is pretty bad.  I understand it'll be a niche crowd buying this.  I understand you'd have to censor a lot in the songs and some songs you could never put on the platform.  But to have a three pack from one of the most hated, vilified scumbag to hit the road in a attempt at musical sabatoge the world has ever seen would be freakin' sweet.  He also did a nice cover of Warren Zevon's Carmelita.  You should check that out.  If you have never heard of GG, please be careful if you look at images, they will be disturbing and probably gross (and bloody).  YOU"VE BEEN WARNED!


 Well it's been a little over a year since Kiss was last seen on the RB platform.  I guess I'm wishing on this a bit early but I'm already commited here so I would love to see another 3 pack from this great band.  Please for the Love of God, I want some Master tracks from Kiss, and take a stab at something from The Elder.  I know it was their 2nd least selling album, but A World Without Heroes would be epic.  I don't care what other songs of KISS you put on there, just let them not be (Live) performances.  Please and Thank You.

What do you think about the renewed interest in "learning guitar games"?  Do you think Harmonix will do something awesome to combat the other games coming out?  Is my wild DLC Speculation doing anything for anyone?  Show of hands?  Okay.  Well see you all in a bit with Video Game/DVD Tuesday.

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