Friday, January 24, 2014

WWE's Royal Rumble 2014 PPV Results

(Results are posted in RED)

WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs The New Age Outlaws (Kick-Off Match) - Who knows who is going to win this one. I suspect that the belts might be changing hands tonight. And, really, I am okay with that, but, I don't want to see the Outlaws hold the belts too long either. Give some of these young ones a chance!

Winner - The New Age Outlaws *Billy Gunn hit Cody with the Famous-er and got the clean 1-2-3!

Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar - Two monsters battle it out. It's going to be brutal, there will be some OMG moments, though the Heyman factor is involved, so I see The Beast with a F-5 finish to the World's Largest Athlete.

Winner - Brock Lesnar *Brock Lesnar gives the Big Show a thunderous F-5 for the win! Brutal match.

Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt - Bryan is the hottest ticket going in the WWE right now, and they have him in a match with Bray. He's possibly not in the Rumble (which is a shame). Someday, WWE, you will hand Bryan the title and the Universe (as in the WWE one) will explode from sheer awesomeness. I now they've been grooming Bray for a while, so I can see it ended with this:

Winner - Bray Wyatt (Oh, the Universe would be SO ANGRY, but, if the WWE put Bryan in the Elimination Chamber match then all shall be forgiven. *Bray beats Bryan! No! No! No!

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton vs John Cena - Cena v Orton II. Nuff said. I hope (whoever wins it) it's a clean finish with a definite winner. Who will win it? Hm. Maybe this...

Winner: John Cena *Randy Orton gets the win after a Wyatt Family distraction.

The 30 Superstar Royal Rumble Match - Hey, the highlight of the night. Who knows who is going to win it. Everyone thinks Batista is going to win it and go headline Wrestlemania XXX, I am not so sure, I am so unsure as to who is going to win it, I am not going to speculate.

Winner - ??? *Batista throws Reigns over to win the rumble and go on to Wrestlemania XXX. 

Kinda wished Reigns had won it, but, Reigns stepped up tonight and kicked some ass. The crowd was crazy upset that Daniel Bryan wasn't in the Royal Rumble match, which I thought in a strange way put a weird vibe to the end of the PPV, but what ya gonna do? Maybe we'll see Daniel Bryan in the Elimination Chamber next month. The WWE Universe gets what the Universe wants right, they want smiles on people's faces? Put Daniel Bryan in the Main Event at Wrestlemania XXX. Plain and simple.

What did you think of the Royal Rumble 2014 PPV?  Let your voice be heard!

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