Saturday, July 21, 2012

If Harmonix Decided to Do Another Band-Centric Game Speculation...

Now the current state of music games wouldn't really allow this to happen, but let's say hypothetically Harmonix decides to do another band-centric game.  What should they do?  Mind you this is my opinion and my opinion only, but here's some viable choices:

Muse: Rock Band

One of the most requested bands on the forums.  A ton of forum posters bitch every day now about not having any more Muse since May 22, 2008.  Hell that's a long time to not even see a three pack, but licensing (or a whole host of other issues) is a hell of a thing, so I totally understand.  But I think a ton of people would buy this game, personally I wouldn't, but that is just me.

Metallica: Rock Band

Hey Guitar He... er, that other game did it!  Why not?  Well, once again the licensing is probably coming into play, or the labels, or the band.  Who knows?  Harmonix does, and they ain't spilling the beans anytime soon.  Would it sell well?  Yes, I think it would.  I'd buy two copies just to give Harmonix an extra sixty bucks.  Yep, I said it. 

Iron Maiden: Rock Band

Hey Harmonix, if you want me to throw handfuls of cash at you, put this out.  The band's library is huge, give the fans some of the those tracks off Killers (what's up with that?), throw some awesome live recordings, and what the hell, hit up their B-Sides/Covers (legality issues aside, I'm sure) and here's my blank checkbook!  Zing!  But seriously, this Rock Band Rawker would be in Seventh Son of a Seventh Heaven!  Double Zing Breakfast!

Now I could go on and on and on, and usually I do.  Now I'm sure some of you are like, "What, no Floyd?  No, Zeppelin?" I know.  But we've never had em' and probably never will.  Would I buy them.  Yes and no.  Floyd, yes.  Led Zeppelin, no.  Sorry to crap on any Zep fans reading my blog, but that is just my personal taste (I do like a few tracks from Led Zeppelin, but not an entire game).   And there are other bands too that could rock an band-centric game, U2, Alice Cooper, Jethro Tull, etc. 

What band-centric title would you like to see to come out of Harmonix?  Sound off below!

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