Friday, July 20, 2012

This Week in Rock Band

Well I'm going to get right down to it as I am still waking up. 

Singles for 7/24/12

Foster the People - "Helena Beat" (O)
Foster the People - "Don't Stop (Color on the Walls)" (O)
The Strokes - "Under Cover of Darkness" (X,O)

(X denotes PRO Guitar/Bass Upgrades, O denotes Keyboard)

Well it looks as if the forum group was right, it's three modern tracks, and another week were I don't give RB my money.  Come on RB, don't you want my money?  I am sure you do.  Now besides Florence + the Machine's "Dog Days Are Over", I haven't bought anything since late May.  I think this is the longest I've gone without being excited for tracks in a long, long time.  Maybe next week, but now I'm not holding my breath for anything else this year.  Grumble.

Here's what came out for the Xbox 360 RBN yesterday:


All Shall Perish - "The Death Plague (2X Bass Pedal)"
Dirge Within - "Absolution (2X Bass Pedal)"
Not Above Evil - "The Duel"
My Ruin - "Walk of Shame"


Astra Kelly - "These Days"


Hillcrest - "Lady Luck"


Dante's Dream - "Episodes"

Well there you have it.  Another week, another skip.  Maybe the Maiden Epics 01 Pack was the best thing coming out this year.  Let's hope to see some great bands coming out in the months ahead, because if this is the pattern for this year, I might have to get a new hobby.

What do you think about the modern music that is coming out next Tuesday?  Love it?  Hate it?  Sound off!

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