Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My (Plastic) Rock Life!

Not the most Metal of titles but that is okay. I love Rock Band from the first moment I booted up my console I know I found gold, or diamonds, or maybe it was a diamond encrusted golden Unicorn. Rock Band took me out of living room and for a brief moment in time I become a Rock God. I've been playing this game since 2007. That is now seven years at this point! What other game can you say that about? I for one cannot say another game has come close to the level of dedication, time, money, and more importantly, fun.

Rock Band (and the subsequent other RB games) introduced me to music I had never heard and immediately loved. Coheed and Cambria, The Coral, and Johnathon Coultron to name a few. It also reconnected me with bands I hadn't listened to in a very, very long time. Rush, Bush, Eve 6, once again, just to name a few.

I had to piecemeal my RB instuments, no Rock Band 1 package for this cat. I already had a Guitar Hero II Explorer Guitar (which I still own to this day), that was followed by another GHII Explorer and Logitech Microphone, then finally I picked up the RB 1 drum set. The band was complete. Expensively complete. Oh jeez, I almost forgot about the Pro Guitar that I finally got and am STILL having a blast with. Still need the PRO Keyboard and two more mics to have the 7 piece ensemble set-up!

There were may of those early days where we'd play for hours and hours, and then a few hours more. I was picking up DLC regularly every week, so the content was also fresh (woohoo!), I took chances and bought whole albums I had never heard (The Cars album comes to mind as well as the entire Who album) and learn to love them, or at least a few songs off each of the digital vinyl. I also bought songs I never would for people if they wanted to play em', or if we were cruising the music stores (while our fingers and vocal cords took a moment to recover) and someone was like "oh man, THAT'S in there?" Ring me up Microsoft, thank you very much!

As it stands today I own over 1100 songs and I've have gone through a few other guitars as well, but surprisingly not too many. I even still have the plastic kick pedal from my RB 1 drum set. A ton of people have played with me, and it's been a blast, and I hope to keep the torches burning while I wait for Harmonix to let us all in on the secret and give us Rock Band 4 (with backwards compatibility, of course!). We promise we'll wait for you to finish up on Fantasia: Music Evolved.

But until then, I am going to keep on rocking!

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