Friday, October 10, 2014

This Week in Rock (Games) (Part 2)

C3 has answered the prayers of people who want new, FREE songs in their libraries this week, let's see what we got:

Tardy & Aviators - "Little Sister" (O)
Tardy & Aviators - "Little Sister" (O) (2X Bass Pedal)

Toto Pack 01

"Africa" (O)
"Child's Anthem" (X, O)
"Hold the Line" (X, O)
"How Does It Feel" (O)

"I'll Be Over You" (O)

(O denotes Keyboard, X denotes PRO Guitar/Bass)

Wow. Finally. "Africa" by Toto, why Harmonix never got the license for the song is beyond me, maybe the cost was very expensive, I don't know, but I know now the faithful can now play it, and that is alright. I've never heard of Tardy & Aviators, and now seeing that "Little Sister" is 2014 brand new and a Pop/Electric song to boot that explains why I don't know the band but I am sure the interwebz can point me in the right direction.

Are you grabbing some FREE custom tracks today? Or are you skipping this way to see what hits the digital airwaves to Rocksmith 2014 next Tuesday? Sound off kiddos the whole flippin' World is listening!

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