Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Comics Arriving 7/10/13

I thought I would post and see if there is anything sweet coming out this week in the comicverse.

Animals With Sharpies - A collection of paintings by Micheal Dumontier and Neil Farber, animals write various texts left handed.  Topics include politics, religions, confessions, recipes, and math problems. 

This sounds super interesting.  Nuff' said!

The Big Bang Theory Clue Board Game - Love The Big Bang Theory on TV?  Love Clue the board game?  Now you can have both while you nerd it up with your friends and scientific colleagues on a Friday night, you know, cuz' you are a nerd and you don't get out much.  Just kidding, (no, I'm not) go out and grab this game, but you know, don't take it out of the plastic!

Batgirl #22 - I haven't read this comic, but if I was in the comic store I would buy this just on the awesome cover alone.  Barbara Gordon's life is changed now with her recent massive trauma and she adjusts without Batgirl! 

Well hope some of you check these out and let me know what you think!  Do you read these comics, would you recommend them to people?  Sound off below.

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