Thursday, July 11, 2013

Throwback Thursday

I thought for the next few Throwbacks I would post some pictures of me in my younger years with (maybe) a brief description.

This is me and Paul Valentine at the age of probably between 8-10.  I think this picture was taken at the old house at 624.  Man, my glasses are so thick and Paul's rockin' a fox riding a bike shirt.  Glad to know that we were on the cusp of fashion back then. ;)  Spent a lot of time hanging with Paul and playing on the NES and running around the desert.  Good times!

I hope Paul doesn't mind me posting this old ass picture of us in the mid 1980's.  It's weird to think back and realize I graduated almost 20 years ago (next year).  Man it's just crazy to think about sometimes.  Back in the good old days, you know, before adulthood, before the bills and the stress. 

I hope you enjoy this Throwback Thursday! 


  1. That Is A Rad Shirt!...I Think That This PicturE Is Cool.

  2. You still wearing that Iron Maiden shirt? were way ahead of your I lived @ 622 ..and used to love making dirt tracks under a tire swing!

    1. 622 Sixth? I think I know who this is... send me a PM on Facebook if you'd be so kind!
