Friday, August 17, 2012

With Justice and Vinyl for All

So I thought I'd throw out some LP's that I would love to have in my collection.

Aphrodite's Child 

 It's a crazy progressive album from the 1970's.  I've talked about the band before and posted videos in earlier posts so I won't reiterate here again.  Used to own the 2CD set, but have since sold it, would love to find this on Vinyl but not for the current asking price of a hundred clams (plus tax).  Groovy.

Iron Maiden

  Any album by Maiden that you can see would be awesome to have on vinyl.  Maiden albums are the kind of art you get wall record holders!  As a matter of fact I'm trying to get some scratch together eventually for a few albums of Maiden that I've had my eye on for some time.

Sorry for the cheesy Maiden graphic here, that's my tech skills for ya.


Who doesn't want a KISS album?  I would love the early stuff, but the LP I want the most is the 2nd worst Kiss album of all time, that's right, The Elder.  A World Without Heroes indeed if this album never came to light.  I love it, unlike the most hardcore KISS fans apparently.  Oh well, that is how the chips roll.

Well that is just a few of some of the vinyl that I would like to own in the future.  Anything out there that you've always wanted on record but never did?  What are records you say?  Jeez, these kids today, with their Ipods and MP3's, *grumble, grumble*...

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