Friday, August 3, 2012

Let's Go Out to the Movies!

Okay, so it's been awhile since I've posted one of these bad boys.  Let's see what's happening at theater this week!

It's a Sci-Fi film kinda week.  Sweet!

Well, one movie this week looks interesting.  Will it be good, hell, I don't know.  I loved the original. Which was cheesier than it should have been. But the remake looks pretty.  It's like "crow attention shiny" for me.  Is it for everyone, no.  But I might just have to see it on the big screen.

Total Recall (2012)

Since there's not a ton coming out right now, may I suggest a rental.  It's called In Time (2011) and it's pretty interesting from the get-go.  I was hooked instantly and had my little old eyeballs glued to the screen for close to two hours of this cool as nails film.  Give it a shot, you might just like it.  It's totally for the Sci-Fi crowd.  Natch'.

In Time (2011)

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