Thursday, October 24, 2013

Life: What's Going On?

Normally I talk video games, movies, comics, and shit like that. I thought I would take a moment and give everyone an update on what's been happening in my tiny bubble lately. I ended up moving back to Washington State at the beginning of April to try and look for work as it seemed that my job prospects in Arizona were looking grim with no car to get to Tucson from Mammoth my chances were cut drastically of finding work. Back in Washington and the job market has not been good either. At these later stages in life I seem that I need a Plan B or I will go certifiable in my own mind. So I got back and applied for SSI pretty much immediately.  Well, lo and behold, at the beginning of November I will be receiving SSI again, but much to my chagrin, if you don't pay rent in the State of Washington, the State does not give you the full amount of money that it can, so that is kind of a blow, you know? There is no way in h-e- double hockey sticks that I can afford even a low-rent apartment for me and my wife, let alone pay bills and buy food.  Also, with the Section 8 programs closed all throughout the area, after Feb. of next year, I am really not too sure what Symph and I will do for housing.  It's been a really long time since I've had to come up with a Plan C, but my mind is working overtime, working overtime!

Okay, long rant ended for that (for now). What else is happening?  Hm, just the usual suspects, gaming in the down time and thinking of the what the future holds, (man, I've been doing that a lot lately), Symph and I got to go to dinner with Jenn and Angel to the paella bar.  The food as always is super great there and the chocolate torte didn't hurt either!  Thanks again for the lovely time with you two!  Now we must hit a large bookstore, I'm thinking Powell's!

I'm still working on my PRO Guitar skills in RB3, though the funny thing is while I stand there and play, I think, heck, I could just grab my real guitar and play. I should look into this, maybe I'll post a pic later for everyone's amusement. You know, cuz' I love you all.  Natch'!

Here's something crazy.  I stopped buying comic books. Weird right? The ginger that has been buying comics steadily since 1987. After the Uncanny X-Men series ended at issue 544 (thanks Marvel! You couldn't round up to 545 or even 550?  Really?  Really?) I stopped buying Marvel titles. I then got into the New 52 from DC Comics with Swamp Thing (always Swamp Thing with this guy?) and Justice League Dark (Constantine and Zatanna, fools!) but after I went to Arizona and came back I've only been back once to one of my local comic shops to pick up some old issues that were being held for me. After that I just haven't been back and frankly I think I am okay with that. With all that said, I've been really contemplating selling off about 90% of my collection of single issue comics, and yes, that includes my single issue run of Uncanny X-Men 194- 544. Any takers? If the price is right I will let em' go. PM me on Facebook and we'll talk, er, or text!

I also been thinking about reworking some old scripts from back in the day. Need to get a portable A drive off the net to realize that small dream of mine. Also, need to find my old A drive discs. Man, I think I need a list!

Okay that is enough babbling on from little ol' me. Hope you enjoyed the update and if you feel like commenting, well that little comment button is right below!

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