Friday, August 3, 2012

With Justice and Vinyl for All.

You like Vinyl?  I like Vinyl too.  I used to own records, LP's, Vinyl, whatever you want to call it.  My Aunt Barbara bought me W.A.S.P.'s The Last Command when I was seven or eight.  Yeah.  That explains a lot I think.  So here's some bands and their albums that I remember from either my childhood or much more recently.  Hope ya dig it!


It really is a pretty awesome album.  I knew that at seven, I'm such the smart one. Lawless is priceless on vocals and the band is Metal through and through.  If you get a chance to listen to W.A.S.P. give em' a try, and unlike veggies, you might like it.

Michael Jackson

 Who didn't own this album in the mid-eighties?  I did that is for sure.  I remember the video scared the crap out of me when I was a kid.  I had trouble turning off the VHS (before remotes) if that video was playing.  I guess I thought the zombies might get me or something.  Man, kids are weird.  Great album.


Yep, that's right.  I threw in a soundtrack.  Loved the crap out of this movie.  It was one of the first films we owned on Betamax.  Yep, that's right I said BETA.  Crazy I tell ya.  I only remember the main song from the film off the album.

Now those albums are ones that I had a child, and thinking about them kind of takes me back there.  Life was simpler to be sure.  Now here's a few records that I've found recently (within the last 6 years or so).

Fields of the Nephilim

I found this at a record store in the Pikes Place Market in Seattle for something like fifteen bucks, it could have been thirty and I would've paid it.  The fact that that was a random find made it all the more sweet.  Thanks, Kyle, for turning me onto this band so very long ago.  Man, I need more of their albums.  Great intro song if you've never listened to the band.  They are probably on Spotify.

The Foghorns 

A band put out on the Knick Knack Records label.  Check out their website by clicking on their name above and buy some vinyl!  Do it!  I'll wait.  Okay.  Glad to see you back.  Pretty groovy band that more people should check out.  They are on Spotify if you're into that service.  Good stuff right there.

Hope you dug this.  Let me know if you want to see more of this by "Liking" on Facebook, "RT" on Twitter, "+" me on Google, and I'd love some (K)lout in Blogging on Klout.  Thanks for being awesome out there, Dear Readers, and still reading this little old blog of mine.  You're the Bees Knees, Natch'!

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