Friday, October 18, 2013

This Week in Rock (Games)

Oh man!  This week from C3 is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!  Are you ready?!  Here we go:

"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Albuquerque"
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Amish Paradise" (O)
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Another One Rides the Bus" (O)
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Dare to be Stupid" (O)
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Eat It"
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Gump"
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Hardware Store"
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "I'll Sue You"
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Polka Power!" (O)
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Pretty Fly for a Rabbi"
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Trigger Happy"
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "White and Nerdy" (O)

(O denotes Keyboard)

Weird Al!  C3 got done what the RBN didn't.  They got Weird Al.  Now I know I have to get the custom tracks.  Nick H., I'm looking at you for the hookup!  You still doing the custom drives? 

Great day for C3 and RB custom players everywhere!  What do you think of the Weird Al 12 pack?  Sound off!

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