Monday, July 30, 2012

Where Would We Be Without...

I thought this might be funny, or depressing, or moot.  That's what I get for thinking right?  So my idea here would be to speculate and think about where we would be without certain Internet creations (and others) that have happened for the past few years (give or take).  This first is a big one. 

Where would we be without Email?

I can tell you this, we'd still have a Postal system.  Man they got the shaft didn't they?

If I recall correctly they thought they (the email companies) would be able to charge per email like a regular letter   The people were up in arms.  It should be free!

 Three to five days to receive a letter?!?  Not in this day and age.  Fuck that.  Now we have a near instantaneous method of communication that just cost but the price of monthly internet service.  Now let me assure you I go to the post office still for stamps and send out mail through them as well.  I'd have a post office box but at almost one hundred clams they can kiss my ginger-y coin purse.  That's crazy talk!

I remember making my first email account at a library.  I know have an email account with Hotmail, Yahoo, and Google.  It's just totally crazy.  Do I really need that many eamil accounts?  No probably not, but I do.  Them be the breaks, kiddies.

Do you still use the post office?  Do you remember two cent stamps?  Yeah, that is what I thought.  Do you feel that email has destroyed the once almighty Post Office?  Sound off, I'd love to hear what people think about this.

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