Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Video Game/DVD Tuesdays

Not much coming out for the 360 this week, but the one game that is coming out looks tits.

Zombie game based in Seattle.  Sign me up.  I'd get it day one but I doubt it'll be under what I need on my HDD space-wise.  But still when I get more Hard Drive space and some MS points, this bad boy will be mine!

Let's see what (if anything) is coming out on DVD today.

 Lovecraft.  Yes please!  Also the HPL Society did the awesome Call of Cthulhu film a few years back and it was pretty sweet, so I see good things on this one. 

And there you have it folks!  Not much coming out for me, not that I have cash for stuff right now.  But it's the summer months and people are driving outside and doing sporty things in the sunshine so these months are slimmer on game and DVD releases (I think). 

See you in a bit with some more blogging goodness.

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