Friday, July 27, 2012

Shameless Self (and Others) Promotions

I always pimp my blog out on FB, Twitter, Google +, the Rock Band forums, and other forums, well, pretty much anywhere I can, so I thought I'd return the favor with some awesome peeps I think deserve some sweet love, not that crazy man on beast love, or the occasional couple on corpse love, no Dear Readers, I'm talking about SM love, no, not sadomasochism love either.  I'm tallking about Social Media love!  You'll see that I put their Twitter handle under their photos, so follow em' if you haven't!

Kevin Smith

Kevin's been doing the Smodcast that has been great.  Symph and have been listening to it lately.  Funny, funny shit man.

He recently did a show (not sure if it was smodcast or not) where he talked about art and just doing it.  Now in the age on the Interwebz anyone can be famous.  Makes me want to start my own show.  What would I talk about, shit, I don't know, but it would be funny, or depressing, whatever gets the LOLZ, right.

Thanks Kevin for rockin' this free world with your thoughts and stories, highly entertaining and inspirational to boot.  Keep it up, Sir.

Felicia Day

She's a redhead.  Nuff' said.  J/K, Felicia.  Best known for the show, The Guild, she has won over the masses with her awesomeness and hardcore Geek cred.

Haven't seen the Guild?  For shame!  Check it.

The Guild

Great show.  Keep em' coming, Felicia.  Well keep watching.

Hope you enjoyed my Pay It Forward through Social Media.  Don't forget to join Klout and give me some Klout in Blogging.  Thanks.  Shameless self-promotion over.

Sour out!

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