Sunday, July 1, 2012

Open Letter to Wizkids

Please brings back Horrorclix.  With a cross compatible gameplay with the Herocllix brand already in house,  but with updated rules and dual power and abilities cards and all that.  NECA has a plethora of licensees of different horror properties.  I've personally been waiting for the Hellraiser boxed set.  All the 4 Cenobites from the original as well as the Engineer, Skinless Frank, Kirsty, Larry, Julia, and the Derelict (with Limited Edition Derelict/Fire Bone Dragon creature colossal sculpt).  Hell, throw a small puzzle box, labyrinth pillars, sets of chains, and a dual sided map.  I don't know I'm just throwing suggestions out here.  Wizkids developers run with it.  I see hope on the horizon now that Wizkids is reintroducing Pirates of the Spanish Main, as well as Mage Knight, Horrorclix can't be far off, right? 

A fan can dream (in sunken R'lyeh), ha, see what I did there. I'm hilarious. 

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