Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In Response to Harmonix Podcast Episode 72

I just listened to the podcast (yeah it's a little late, I know).  They asked the listeners to make their top 5 front persons in a band list, I'm only going to list three.  So here goes (if you'd like to listen to the podcast, it's located here: Harmonix Podcast Episode72)

My top 3 Front Persons in a Band

Johnette Napolitano (Concrete Blonde)

Had a chance to see them at the Showbox in Seattle.  I didn't really listen to any of their stuff on purpose before the show so I could go in there just enjoy the music.  We we're able to get in the front row and had a blast.  The energy was crazy that night.  Great show, great band, and I couldn't believe nobody mentioned them in the podcast.

GG Allin (& The Murder Junkies, Antiseen, The Jabbers, The Scumfucs, The Criminal Quartet, The Ceder Street Sluts, etc.)

Just that band list alone shows that GG Allin should have been talked about more than just in passing on the podcast.  I've mentioned in post in the past that GG needs some DLC love and it's for damn good reason.  He's the most hardcore frontman ever.  Yes, I said it.  Ever.  No one is going to top what he did on stage.  I found GG Allin through a band called the Drive By Truckers, which ironically are in Rock Band (I'd like more of them too) back when Napster was all groovy, you  know back in the day and all that.  Anyway I check out GG's stuff and liked it mainly for it's shock value on unsuspecting listeners.  Hehe, I'm kind of sick that way I guess.  Go track down some internet videos if you want the full experience of GG, though he's something a bit tame compared to his show.  Very old footage since GG's been dead since 1993.  It's also on the Springer Show, back when Springer wasn't all "Jerry!  Jerry!  Jerry!"
I'm having trouble coming up with five performers let alone three.  So many decisions but I think I'll go with Lemmy from Motorhead.  Been in the biz for a long time and has only gotten better with age.

Lemmy (Motorhead)

I'm sure there are others and I know not everyone agrees with my list but it's all good.  What do you think out there, Dear Readers?  Who would your top five performers (front persons) if you were doing a list?  Love to hear what you have to say.

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