Sunday, June 10, 2012

Let's Go Out to the Movies (Belated Edition)

Safety Not Guaranteed

This looks interesting.  If done right it'll be amazing, anything less than that and this film will be out of the box office in a week.  Other people I know what to go and see this so I might actually go and see this soon.

Prometheus (2012)

Everyone and their dog want to see this.  I don't know if it'll revolutionize the film business but from the brief clip I've seen this movie is going to be very, very good.  I guess we'll find out how well it does in the coming weeks, but already slipping from the number one spot does not bode well.

Well that is all for me for what I want to see.  Maybe next week there will be more. 

What do you think of the films that I've picked?  Agree with them or are you wanting to see something else?  Sound off in the comments below!

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