Friday, August 24, 2012

This Week in Rock Band

Well I was right in a way about today DLC announcement.  Harmonix is just releasing Rock Band Blitz on Wednesday and there are no new tracks that will be available (minus Rock Band Blitz).  So this week will be a short blog post.

Here are the tracks released yesterday for the Xbox 360 on the RBN!

Indie Rock

Leadership by Assault - "Stop Staring"


An Endless Sporadic - "From the Blue/Point of No Return (2X Bass Pedal)


Eiffel 65 - "Move Your Body"


Francisco Meza - "The Restless Mind"


Look Left - "But Then I Fell In Love" 

Well there you have it.  If you're buying Blitz there will be a ton of new stuff to play, if you like me and not getting the game, I guess it's nothing new since I haven't purchased anything for about three months, minus two packs I've had my eye on for quite some time.  I'll give a listen to the RBN tracks but I probably won't purchase anything this week.  Maybe next Friday?  Maybe. 

See you here in a bit with some more blogging goodness!

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