Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Comics Arriving

Well let's see (if anything) is coming down the pipes today in the comic book world that interest me.

Comics Arriving 6/20/12

Challengers of the Unknown Omnibus by Kirby HC

Now I'll be honest.  I only have one issue from this series of comics.  I can't remember the number of the one I have but Swamp Thing is on the cover, so it can't be all that bad.

Fangoria # 315

Love me some Fangoria.  I even have Issue 2.  This classic cover intrigues me and I believe that is Vincent Price on the cover there.  Man I really should start getting these again.  If you love horror films this is a pretty sweet magazine.

Hellblazer # 292

I mean who doesn't love that loveable asshole John Constantine?  Nuff' said.

Well folks that looks like all for this edition of Comics Arriving.  Anything you are looking for this week?  Sound off.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, that's the cover of Fangoria 311. Here's the new one:
