Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rock Band Blitz Or that Fancy Track Pack that You Have to Have

Well Harmonix released info about their new XBLA/PSN Arcade Game coming this Summer...  Rock Band Blitz is a stripped down arcade game that focuses on fast and furious game play. At first I was like, "eh", but then they announced that most of the RB library and RBN will be cross-compatible which is pretty sweet but still not a "instabuy" for me, well that is until they announced 25 new tracks in Blitz will be able to be exported in RB3 for rawkin' goodness!  Sold!  Sold!  A million times sold!  They've already let us know 5 of the new 25 songs, which are as follows:

Foster the People - "Pumped Up Kicks"
Rick Springfield - "Jessie's Girl"
blink-182 - "Always"
Quiet Riot - "Mental Health (Bang Your Head)"
Great White - "Once Bitten, Twice Shy"

Both Great White and Quiet Riot are super additions to the ever-growing library of songs.  If the other 20 are a mix of new and old I will quite pleased.  Hoping against hope that there's a Twisted Sister song on the set list, but if there's only 20 tracks left to announce I'll be really amazed that there will be a Twisted Sister track on there... but I can hope, can't I?

Are you excited about this new Rock Band game?  I know I am.  At least I'm excited to see what other tracks they're offering for export.  I'm also hoping this game is less than fifteen bucks and doesn't take up a ton of HD space as I am almost out...

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