It's a tie! The overwhelming vote of 2 results is a tie. Politics and Sex. So here we go...
So this year alone there have been a ton of political sex scandals in the media and to the best of my knowledge it's all been dudes. Figures. There was that men's bathroom incident in that one airport and that picture of that one guy's junk to somebody else and a few other things. But let's be honest. Do we really care? I mean with all the other things going on in the world, like the failing economy, war, and global famine. Is it really any wonder that political sexual encounters get any exposure at all. Everyone gets to have sex in their life (for the most part), yet some people (like politicians) are in the spot light and therefore scrutinized a little bit closer than the rest of the general public. I mean let's face it we are all degenerates. Don't think you're not a animal, because you are.
Imagine if there were thought police out there that monitored our thoughts. Madness, yes. But I imagine we'd be a much more prudish and reserved as a world culture, in regards to sex, politics, and possibly even more so in our religious reasoning that we already are. Look out Universe! Big brother is just a phone call away. Well maybe email now, but the Universe is still on Dial-Up. Okay, I'll stop with the Orwellian Theories. I am reading 1984. So, sue me.
So what you're really wondering is what political organization do I follow and what kind of sex do I like? Well to be honest, none of your damn business. Rude. Just kidding. I'm a Lefty bread eater. My sex is vanilla with a touch of the dip and dabble.
Tune in tomorrow when I talk about religion!
Sour out.
MMMMM! Dip and dabble! That should be the next new Ben and Jerry's flavor-of-the-month!