Sunday, October 2, 2011

Topic: Religion... as in Bad Religion

As in Bad Religion!  Great band.  I like them a lot.  Though I must admit I only have one cd of the band.  It's titled All Ages and it's punk at it most basic.  Not the best vocals but the lyric can't be beat and the band plays a good little ditty to pogo all over yourselves.  If you know what pogo is then good for you.  Then again you might be reading this in a crummy one bedroom apartment with no heat and your beer in a paper bag, of course that would mean you really are punk rock and probably in your late twenties.  Don't worry, you'll get it together soon enough.  Once you hit the dirty thirty every thing will click and lock down, well, at least gravity will begin its slow evil process.  Enjoy that brave readers... 

Though I throw out another poll about which Religion dear readers you would like me to blog about!

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