Monday, November 24, 2014

Movie Ticket Monday: Ice Age

Loved this movie. I own it on DVD as well. Haven't watched it in a bit, I'll have to rectify that. The date was eithter March 13 or May 13, I actually can't tell. I also believe this was another flick that I saw at the Turlock theater.  I'm pretty sure I went with Elizabeth, and possibly Wayne was there too. I can't remember (it's been 12 years!). Back when a matinee only cost $5.25. Ah, the good ol' days of cheap movies. As I think about it, I started going to less movies as the price went up. I mean, it's like what, ten bucks a ticket now, and that isn't probably full evening prices. Jeez, I'm bumming myself out here.

Do you love Ice Age, or am I a lone weirdo? Hell, we all know the answer to that, don't we? Yes, I think we do. Did you go and see Ice Age when it hit the theaters? Did you think it blew chunks? What were y'all doing back in 2002? Love to hear your thoughts!

Stay Calm and Play it again, Sam.

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