Sunday, November 23, 2014

Survivor Series 2014 Results

Divas Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match: A little surprised it's not a #1 Contender shot for the Divas Championship, but whatever. There is no build up whatsoever for this match. It could be anyone's match. I would love to see Nattie or Emma win it, but it'll probably be...

Winner: Paige *Emma, Cameron, Fox, and Nattie win the match.

Team Cena vs Team Authority - So if the Authority loses then Triple H and Stephine are out of the WWE. If Cena's team loses, then they are all fired this coming Monday Night Raw. I'm pretty sure that five men will not lose their jobs. I see it only going this way...

Winner: Team Cena *Team Cena wins and STING shows up. Crazy end. Glad to see that they gave Dolph the rub for the ending. Great match all in all.

Divas Championship Match AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella - The Bella storyline is playing out still and I could see a title change hands here. Brie turns heel and joins Nikki. It could happen, but I doubt it. Just a random thought here. Right, the prediction...

Winner: AJ Lee *Nikki wins in less than a minute much like the Sheamus/Daniel Bryan match at Wrestlemania. Boo, Wendy, boo.

Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt - I thought this feud was hastily put together. Both men actually need the win here, I guess maybe Bray more than Ambrose. Will we see more superstars join Wyatt's "cause"? What crazy antics will Ambrose do this match. It's a tough choice to make but I think this will be the endgame...

Winner: Bray Wyatt *Bray Wyatt wins by DQ when Ambrose goes all Ambrose on him. Nice to see that there will be a Wyatt/Ambrose II at TLC next month. I like these two in a program. Good on ya, WWE, good on ya.

WWE Tag Team Title Fatal 4-Way Match - It's all or nothing for four tag teams at Survivor Series. Two of the teams have never held the titles and just imagine if Miz & Mizdow and Los Mantadoras were the last teams to survive. That would be crazy, right? Right. The ultimate prize will be up for grabs, but who will claim victory? Well, that's anyone's guess...

Winners: and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions, The Miz and Damien Mizdow *The Miz (and Damien Mizdow) Glad to see new Tag Team Champs crowned. Now we will see the slow dissolve of Miz and his "stunt double". That will be entertaining to be sure. This show was pretty good. I knew the Ambrose/Wyatt match would deliever, and I was super stoked to see Miz & Mizdow get the win, and also seeing Ziggler shine in the main event. It'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow night on Raw.

So there is only five matches advertised and the US title and Intercontinental belt aren't up for grabs. That is a shame. It really is. Oh yeah, and Lesnar is still not defending the title at ANOTHER PPV. Hey, WWE, seriously, let someone fight Brock for the title! Seth Rollins has that Money in the Bank briefcase, remember, there's one guy. Give Cesaro a shot, Ziggler too, and hell if Brock destroys them all, then at least let the paying customers (the WWE Universe) see a PPV headlining WWE World Heavyweight title match. It's not rocket science, it's a soap opera with highly trained professionals, right? Just my two cents!

Come back later today to see the results!

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