Monday, April 21, 2014

Mondo Monday: The Beyond

I thought I would talk about The Beyond or as it's also known under the title The Seven Door of Death. It's a great zombie/demonic film. Wait? What? Oh you haven't seen it and you're like me who hate spoilers in films? Hm. Then nothing to see here folks, cuz' I'm spoiling all over the place. Please, don't cry over spilled "me". Uh, gross. But funny, so I win!

Okay, The Beyond. A classic horror film from the Italian director Lucio Fulci. It's also known as the second film in the unofficial Gates of Hell trilogy. City of the Living Dead and The House by the Cemetery, being the first and third films, respectively.

I've watched this film countless times and it's amazes me how well the effects were done in this film. It's also a pretty good story to boot. Interesting camera angles, strange, weird dialogue, and of course the gore splattered scenes. Oh sweet Jebus! There are so many of them, and when the film was first released most of the scenes were in it, so I'm glad I didn't see this when I was young, of course, I would have been under the age of ten, so it might have scared the shit outta me.

If you haven't had a chance to see this film, and you're a "Gorehound", you should check it out, come back here on this blog (or you're own blog if you are into that!) and let me and the whole world wide web know what you thought about it. Though if you can't take scenes of extreme violence and awesomeness, I hear What About Bob is gore free. "It's death therapy, Bob!" He-he, love that movie. See I do wear many hats!

I'll leave you with these screenshots and you can judge whether you need to wet your whistle in the hellish genius that is Fulci!

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