Friday, April 18, 2014

(Hero)Clix'in it Up!

So I recently thought that I would get back into the Heroclix game. I am even going to try my best to actually play in the upcoming War of Light (Wizkids Tournament) that is hitting this year at your local brick and mortal nerd hut (i.e., gaming store). I am glad I have a couple months to prepare. First going to re-read the first volume of The Blackest Night, then try and find and read, Blackest Night: Green Lantern, Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps, Blackest Night: Tales from the Corps, Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Volume 1, Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Volume 2, and finally Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lanterns to get the storyline caught up in my brain. Now mind you this is like over or just at one thousand pages of reading (with awesome pictures too), so it's going take at least an hour or two.

Next save up some clams to take a trip to town, going to a sponsored event at the closest hobby store, and taking a stab at real tournament play. It should be fun. Am I a little nervous? Yep. But that's cool. I used to be pretty social with peeps I didn't know. It can be that way again. I have faith.

I'm pretty "squee" about the new War of Light Swamp Thing clix. It's looks really bad ass, and it's Swamp Thing! Come on! Also, there is a Black Lantern Spectre that stands pretty tall that MUST be mind. I am noticing I am falling into obsessed collector again. I want to build accurate teams, but I also want specific pieces too, arg! Why must the plastic minis taunt me so! Oh here, let me see if I can find some photos of what I'm talking about...

Well the only pics I found I can't grab and paste, so you'll have to settle for this one (I guess):

I mean how cool is that? The Necron is a Prize Figure. Man, that sculpt is sweet!

The Black Lantern Anti-Monitor is amazeballs! These figures look really polished, so polished in fact I want ALL OF THEM! But here's the killer with these particular figures. You can only buy them at tournaments (I believe), and them are releasing them in two waves. Forty eight figures per wave. That White Lantern Swamp Thing is gonna cost me, I hope I pull one. If I get Swampy then it'll be okay. Nerd truth. 

So there you have it, the beginnings of another comic obsession all over again.  Hey Beau, do you still want your clixs? Do worry, he'll get it. Love you man.

Are you balls deep into Heroclix? Wanna discuss the War of Light clixs? Wanna remark on how crazy I am? That's cool too. I don't judge you.

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