Saturday, February 22, 2014

WWE's Elimination Chamber 2014 PPV Results

Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel (Kick-Off Match) - Oh how the mighty have fallen. The Rhodes Brothers are curtain jerking with Rybaxel. Why not take this match and add it to the card with a 4 team Fatal-4 Way match for the WWE Tag Team Championships. Oh well, I guess I just don't understand a thing about booking.

Winners: Cody Rhodes & Goldust *Cody Rhodes & Goldust win this bout which is what I figured. Moving on...
Titus O'Neil vs Darren Young - Well it was going to happen sooner or later, surprised it is happening at the PPV. We will see how is the victor in this bout but, I'm going with:

Winner: Titus O'Neil *Titus beats Darren with a sick looking move, wondering if we'll see a repeat match tonight on RAW?

WWE Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws vs The Usos - Finally the Usos get a title shot, it's been like six months to late. I can only seeing this going one way.

Winners: and NEW Tag Team Champions The Usos *The New Age Outlaws retain. Drat. Was hoping to see the Usos get the victory going into Wrestlemania 30.

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio - Sure a one month feud makes total sense. Whatever. I think it's going to be a squash match with...

Winner: Batista *Batista wins the match. Man there was some serious heat on Batista, so much so, before WM30 hits we (the WWE Universe) could see Del Rio become a Face. "Boo-tista" was a funny chant to hear.

Intercontinental Champion Big E. vs Jack Swagger - Swagger getting a shot at Big E's title is okay for business, but honestly let's see that feud between Ziggler and Big E. heat up again and put an end to that old ass feud between AJ, Ziggler, and Big E. but that isn't what is best for business, but this is:

Winner: and STILL Intercontinental Champion Big E. *Big E. retains. What's new for Swagger? Who knows. What's next for Big E.? I am thinking it'll be awesome for E. We shall see, shan't we?

The Wyatt Family vs The Shield - Honestly I thought they would hold off this match until Mania'. But maybe The Shield implodes on this night, and it'll be a triple threat between Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns for the US Title at WM30 (you read it here first!) So if that storyline happens the only logical outcome is:

Winners: The Wyatt Family *The Wyatt Family wins the brawl in the hall here. Crowd was into it. I was into it. It really was a WM30 match, but I would watch it over and over on the WWE Network any day of the week. Great bout', possible contender for Match of the Year.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match - Sheamus, Christian, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton, John Cena, Cesaro, and Daniel Bryan clash in the Devil's Favorite Structure, the Elimination Chamber. Statistics show that the 5th person to be released into the match is the winner. This match is really anyone's game. I hope Daniel Bryan wins it, but Cesaro would be interesting as well. So I am going with my favorite here:

Winner: Daniel Bryan *Randy Orton retains to face Batista at Wrestlemania 30. As a fan, I'm disappointed. Why, you ask? Because half-way through the match I called what the outcome would be. Kane interfernce with Orton winning over D. Bryan. I like the drama between The Wyatt Family and John Cena (cue the WM30 Match music please between Cena vs. The Wyatts, yep, I am predicting a 3 on 1 Handicap Match!). The match itself was great and brutal, as it should be in the Chamber, I just was rubbed the wrong way by the ending. Okay, WWE Creative, I hope that you somehow put Bryan in the Main Event and have him win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WM30. I truly is "What's Best for Business".

There was also a match between AJ Lee and Cameron that wasn't hyped at all. Why WWE, why do you do that? I guess it was to set up the match between AJ and Tamina Snuka? I don't know. AJ Lee retains and is still the longest reigning Diva. Good job, AJ, though, sorry there was no build up whatsoever. You deserve better.

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