Monday, February 24, 2014

Life: What's Going On... Again.

So the place is 97% packed now. Just need to clean and pack dishes, do some surface cleaning, vacuum, you know, all that good stuff. Need to tape the boxes and get our ducks in a row. I am excited to be on this new chapter in my life. I know I cannot guarantee what the future holds but I am quite positive it'll be bright. See what I did there? Oh you didn't? I was making a joke about the Sun since we're moving down to Arizona. Man, the Interwebz needs to get some type of inflection chip. Ho-hum.

This road trip will be interesting. It'll be a little over 1600 miles. I've been on the I-5 before, but not all the way from Washington State to southwestern Arizona. I've taken it from the Central Valley of California before, but that is only half of this trip. I see a lot of Moon Pies and Dr. Peppers in my future. Just kidding. It's all H20 and good snacking.

Well I should probably get cracking on those chores aforementioned. See you all in a bit!

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