Sunday, August 26, 2012

Gaming: This Ginger's Perspective

So I've played a lot of games, video games (Arcades, PC, Consoles), role playing games (table-top and LARP), card games (collectable and otherwise), miniature gaming (Horrorclix, Heroclix, etc.).

Today I'll talk about Video Gaming

It all started with the Atari 2600.  My brother and I played the shit out of that console.  Countless battles of Combat.  I remember playing hours of Maze Craze, which is just what it sounded like, let's see if I can't find a picture on this here internet:

Maze Craze (1978)
Yes, feast your eyes on the future of gaming!  But let me tell you, back then, this was freaking awesome!  Other games of note (infamous or otherwise): Pac-Man (arg!), Megalomanic, M.A.S.H., The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (I'm not kidding!):
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1982)
Honestly that is just LeatherFace's Chainsaw!  Ha!  Good times.  Man those games were hard back then. 

Fast forward a few years and I'm living in California with my Mom.  Dad comes for a visit (they were recently divorced) and drops a new NES Game System w/ Metal Gear Solid on my lap in 1987.  I remember that the console also had Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt with I believe the light gun...
NES Action Set (now with awesome orange gun!)

Man that game (Metal Gear Solid) was hard when I first started.  I got down to beating the game in about three house in one sitting.  Talk about dedication!  Indeed, indeed.

Skip forward a number of years again, this time about fifteen years give or take and then it happened.  I bought the original Xbox.  It was all over before it started.  Fell in love with video games all over again.  Halo, Bloodrayne, Jaws (not so great, but hey, You're the Shark!), and a slew of other titles.  I picked up a 360 many years later and have loved the crap out of that console, I must have, because I've spent a shit ton of money into it.  I've been through a few console with the RROD and the current one I have now I bought from a friend for a pretty good price.  I've played nearly two hundred games on the console which for me might just be a milestone, though currently I only play about three titles: Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012, Rock Band 3, and Minecraft.  I also play  WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 for my wrasslin' fix! 

I also picked up a Wii with a few games, though right now it's in the bedroom as a glorified Netflix viewer.  I've only played a handful of games on the Wii so I really don't have to much to say about it.  Maybe the Wii U will be better, but I don't think you'll see me buying one.

I've (dare I say it?) been thinking about trying the PS3 out for a bit now.  I do have a few friends (near and far) that own one and at least I wouldn't have to wade through all the d-bags online.  Don't get me wrong, I've met some very awesome people on the Xbox 360 and I don't plan on leaving that anytime soon! 

I love the lightweight aspect to the PS3 controllers, and the PlayStation Plus program is pretty sweet with free games, and I'll admit it, I've been dying to try out PlayStation Home with my friends.  There is also a slew of games that I'm itching to play though I think a first purchase would either be Heavy Rain, WWE 13', or maybe even Uncharted or something like that.  So many games, so little time. 

What is your favorite console of all time?  Do you own all the current generation consoles and love them all?  Are you only a PC player?  Sound off and let me know about your gaming history! 

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