Saturday, February 22, 2014

Life: What's Going On

Cue the music! Sorry, every time I write "What's Going On" I think of the song with the same name, and it becomes an earworm in my head. Good times. Right, what is actually going on!

We are moving back to AZ, and pretty darn quick. Over the past couple of weeks and months, I've been really thinking what is important to me, and it seems only the basic necesseties are what I really crave. Shelter, food, clothes on my back, and a few of my meager possessions.

Once we get down there we'll implement a gardening plan for our backyard for the coming season,  and I am going to work on getting a community garden going in the local community among other things. I am also going to take a stab and try some grant writing and see where that gets me. I am also thinking about starting a walk/running club in the Tri-Community area. I also what to spread some volunteer work around the Tri-Community area as well. I am at the age where I feel if I am going to live there I should give back to my community. I hope that will inspire others to do the same.

It will also be nice to see friends and family again. I am also looking forward to new experiences with new friends.

Will post some more life stuff in a few days, stay tuned...

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