Saturday, December 7, 2013

Media and the Age of Perfection

Media ads have been doing it longer, but the internet is catching up quick. I just read an article about what grooming habits Woman believe a Man should have. This article was written by a guy, first of all, so what actual expertise does he have? It's okay, there were little quotes by the pictures from "Woman" so it's all good! Hashtag: Sarcasm.

Some of them make sense, but other are a little on the insane side. I'm not going to quote anything, but most guys don't do these things, no matter how much cajoling from the significant other, most guys just don't give a damn. Unless there is (expletive deleted ) on the line, then dude's might change their tune. But probably not, we're lazy creatures to be sure.

Don't get me wrong, I have fallen victim to using lotion and trimming my nose hairs recently. The lotion apparently helps my skin in the winter months (at least that is what Symph says), and hell, it seems to work too. My nose hairs, well, okay, that was a vanity thing! Those things WERE out of control.

You see, Dear Readers, the great Beast dubbed Media has me in it's clutches, thrashing me around, about to swallow me whole, consume me, shat me, and leave me in a steaming pile of human on the hot asphalt.

Hopefully as the vultures pick at my smooth tender flesh and pull chunks out of my nose with their beaks, they will look at my meticulously trimmed nose hairs, and think what a good looking corpse! Though secretly I hope I give them the shits!

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