Sunday, November 3, 2013

Writing: Screenplay Update

So Sweet is coming along nicely, though the script itself is not nice at all. It's the darkest, most vile thing I've ever written, and I've written some crazy shit.

I know (if people ever read it) they are going to ask me, "Where did it come from?" Honestly, I don't know. I came up with the title first (which is something I've never done) and immediately thereafter I came up with the tagline. It's funny and disturbing, just the way I like it. The tagline, not the script. It's not funny at all, fuck you levity, you can taking a walk off a pier into shark-infested waters!

At first I was going to do a ninety page script, but then I decided that I would cut it down into three stories, thirty pages a piece. I tossed the idea of having this story encompass the other two, then I said screw it, and made Sweet a self-contained thirty minute piece. What the other two scripts will be, well, I'm mulling that over right now as I work on this. I am a little over halfway finished with it, and boy, whew, it's rough. Yep, I am still shaking my arms in the air as I write scenes.

Maybe some Home Movies later or mind-numbing television will be the order of the day for a bit. Gotta decompress.

Writing again feels good, it feels right. Now if I can just get back in the swing of exercising...

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