Monday, November 4, 2013

Movie Ticket Mondays: Ender's Game (Spoiler Free!)

I know that some people are not watching the film, and I get it, but I am not discussing that here. I will talk about the film.

Beautiful. First of all, it's amazingly beautiful. Everyone's performance is top notch, besides some "cheesy" dialogue the script was right on the money. Before anyone starts, I know that they left some stuff out, but that is okay as it didn't take anything away.

I will say this right now too, Asa Butterfield was f'ing perfect for this role. Perfect. Hailee Steinfield did a great job too.

Also the animation for the "Mind Game" was just how I envisioned it. Crazy, I tell you.

I feel like they left it open purposefully for Speaker of the Dead, will that ever be given the green light, I don't know, but I would never say never, either.

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