Saturday, September 21, 2013

What I Wanted to Be When I Grow up or What Do You Want to Do For the Rest of Your Life

All Twisted Sister jokes aside, I wanted to be a mad scientist when I grew up, see that kiddies!  Not a regular scientist, like say a biologist or something in the field of forensic study, no no no, a mad scientist mind you.  All evil lair and sharks with laser beam shit happening.  I blame comic boooks, and television, and advertisments, war, politics, religion, sweet jesus, did I leave anything out?  Oh right, I blame the kitchen sink too!  Actually I think it was all due to the Alan Moore run of the Swamp Thing comics when I was very young, I'd say six or so.  I remember buying them off the little turn rack in the lower arcade "convenience" store when I lived as a kid. 

As I grew older I wanted to be many things, a rock star, a writer, an athlete, an archeologist, a regular scientist, and I think the problem is that I never stuck with any one thing.  I still wonder what my legacy to the World will be long after I am gone.  Maybe it'll be this blog.  Maybe I will only exist in the hearts and memories of the people who love me.  Hm.  I think I like the last thing I said the best.  Even if I don't leave some grand mark across the stage of life, I can be content in knowing that I love and am loved.  I got to keep smiling because I am still breathing, and who knows, my history has yet to be written.

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