Friday, September 13, 2013

This Week in Rock (Games)

C3 has done it again!  Another week of sweet custom RB content, and without further ado:

Aerosmith - "Cryin" (O)
Aerosmith - "Dream On"
Aerosmith - "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" (O)
Naked Eyes - "When the Lights Go Out" (O)
Queensryche - "Before the Storm"
Queensryche - "Child of Fire"
Queensryche - "Deliverance"
Queensryche - "En Force" (O)
Queensryche - "N M 156"
Queensryche - "No Sanctuary"
Queensryche - "Roads to Madness" (O)
Queensryche - "Take Hold of the Flame"
Queensryche - "Warning"

(O denotes Keyboard)

Wow.  That is almost the entire Warning album from Queensryche right there.  I am hoping against hope that they eventually put out "Queen of the Reich".  Would love to have that song.  It's a pretty good week if you like Aerosmith and Queensryche, I am not to sure about Naked Eyes, as I've never heard them.

There doesn't seem to be any more song updates to Bandfuse: Rock Legends or Rocksmith 2014, and once again the RBN is silent this week.  I don't like this trend.  Hopefully some announcements come out soon for Bandfuse and Rocksmith, as for the RBN, well, it was fun while it lasted! 

Are you excited for the tracks this week or were you hoping for something else?  Sound off in the comment below with your thoughts on the subject!


  1. Some nice Aerosmith songs there. Might add pro guitar and bass to a few.

  2. PRO upgrades are always welcomed by the community at large. I love playing PRO Guitar on RB3! I tried playing the "Clicktar" recently and I did pretty awful, just as o0oMerlinao00 who had the pleasure of playing on XBL with me. She rocked those setlists, I remember seeing more than one gold star!
