Friday, September 6, 2013

(Belated) Video Game/DVD Tuesdays

* Update: Can't believe I forgot to post this on Tuesday!  I'm totally slipping...*

Man there are a ton of DVD's and BR's out this week.  Hold on to your popcorn, kiddies!

The Big Bang Theory Sixth Season - Another hit season of The Big Bang Theory comes out this week.  Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, and the others continue to nerd up, geek out, and deliver the laughs in this brilliant comedy show.

Friday the 13th: The Complete Collection - Finally all the Friday the 13th movies all in one place.  If you love Mr. Voorhees and the shenanigans at Camp Crystal Lake then you own it to yourself to pick this up.  It is also on Blu-Ray, if you are into that thing.

The Fly - The doughnut scene, that is all.  Just kidding, I love this movie.  But seriously, the doughnut scene...

An American Hippie in Israel - I don't know anything about this film, but it is one of those titles that I might just have to watch to see the train wreak in process.  Has anyone seen this?  Let me know what is what.

The Bird with the Crystal Plumage - Argento's first feature film.  If you are down with the Giallo horror type then this has your name written all over it.  Classic horror film.  Go watch it now.  I'll wait.  Amazing right, right.

Alright, let's take a look and see if there is anything coming out on the Video Game front.

Rayman: Legends (Xbox 360, PS3, Vita, PC, Wii U) Never played these games but it's coming out to every console.

Diablo III (Xbox 360, PS3, PC, PS4, MAC) - It's Diablo so there is that.  I am sure in ways it's a lot like the first one but so much more.  Couldn't really get into this game, even back in the day.

Outlast (PC, PS4) - Man this game looks great, now they need to add some Lovecraft flavor to it and make a sequel to Call of Cthulhu. Are you listening Bethesda?  Please and Thank You.

Any thing out this week that you can't live without?  Sound off what you're excited about playing or watching?

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