Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wave of the Future, Man! My thoughts on Baking Soda and Vinegar or What a Cleaner World I live in.

I feel a little slow on the ball on this one.  How did I clean for all these years my tub and sink with chemical cleaners.  It always pissed me off that no matter what I did it never seemed clean enough.  Then about a week ago, my wife just casually says, "Why don't you use Baking Soda?" So I tried it and holy shit that stuff is a champ on the sink and the tub.  It look brand spanking new!  I knew about the magic of water with vinegar for surface cleaning and that does a pretty good job on surfaces, and it leaves a nice "fresh salad" smell that is not that brutal on the nose.

If you have struggled cleaning your bathroom in the past just sprinkle a little baking soda on the area, get a paper towel and just a tiny bit of water on it and scrub, scrub, scrub and like some kind of black magic the stain is gone.

If I didn't know any better this sound like an infommercial for Baking Soda.  If you order with in the next ten minutes you will get a second box of Baking Soda, another bottle of Vinegar, and a Terri-Cloth IGA Bathrobe!  Call 1-800-555-3849 now, operators are standing by!  (They're not!)

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