Friday, September 7, 2012

This Week in Rock Band

Well, I was right that it was going to be a band that wasn't in the RB library yet, but it wasn't Tori Amos, The Sex Pistols, or Twisted Sister... So without further ado:

Matchbox Twenty Pack 01

"Bent" (O)
"How Far We've Come" (O, X)
"She's So Mean" (O)

Well I was also right in that it was a heavy keys week as well.  I'm not to familiar with this band so I'll give these songs a listen.  Well, I've listened and it's another pass for me this week.  Glad that I am starting to like Blitz so I have some new tracks to play until we get some older rock, or punk, or country, or anything older really!  Let's see what's happening on the RBN for the Xbox 360:

Well there still seems to be server issues with the Xbox 360 and the RBN.  I'll post when info is released.  Check back later for that.

Seems like I fell off the boat and was eaten by a mechanical shark named Bruce.  Maybe I'll get these predictions right some day...

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